Chris Keaton
Rules and Smiles for Every Gentleman: 11 Quotes for You to Ponder Over
Hello, dear readers and welcome to my second installment for Dapperfied.com. I am pleased to share some of the quotes from my forthcoming book, (working title) “Politeness Man – Rules and Smiles for Gentlemen”.
Please know that I am no expert on being a gentleman. I am a work in progress…learning as I go (mainly from my own missteps and faux pas). However, I maintain that each of us should strive to be better, kinder, gentler and more polite every day.
All of my ideas about being a gentleman are fairly simple… civility, chivalry and just a hint of comedy go a long way in this world. It makes people really take notice of you (which, as I’ve said before, is never a bad thing).
Now don’t get me wrong, being a gentleman is serious business…it’s no laughing matter. But that should not imply that one can’t smile or laugh once in a while, especially at one’s self.
So, off we go.
A gentleman never asks a lady, “Is it hot in here or is it you?” unless it is really hot…and so is she. (Politeness Man)
This is relatively self explanatory, yet, with the right tone of voice and a wicked wink, one may just get away with this!
A gentleman never asks a lady when she is due unless he is absolutely, positively certain she is expecting. (Politeness Man)
An honest mistake but, OMG, I have seen this happen more than once. Unfortunately, in these instances, no one escapes unharmed.
A gentleman never has to hear the words, “Hey, up here, please!” (Politeness Man)
Really. Admiration of a lady’s figure should be handled with discretion (at least in public).
A gentleman knows that clean hands are happy hands. (Politeness Man)
We’ve all heard ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ and we also know that a gentleman neither wants to share nor receive germs.
A gentleman knows that people will forget what you say and do, but they never forget how you make them feel. (Politeness Man)
Yes, this is a shared quote from the great Maya Angelou. Too soon we forget that making others feel good is a much sweeter reward than feeling good ourselves. In my humble opinion, we could all do a little better with this one.
A gentleman knows when he takes control of his own life and something bad happens…there is no one else to blame. (Politeness Man)
Responsibility for oneself is a true trait of a gentleman. Taking control of one’s life is always a plus and, truly, blame does no one any good at all.
A gentleman always holds the door for others. (Politeness Man)
Your mother and father would have taught you this! For no other reason than to honour them, one should always follow this simple yet elegant piece of advice. (Hint- if you take the initiative to make eye contact and smile as you hold the door it’s a “politeness trifecta.” Bravo!)
A gentleman never judges others by their spelling “misteaks”. (Politeness Man)
Okay, this was just too easy to resist.
A gentleman knows you should never step out of line or you will lose your place. (Politeness Man)
My attempt at a double entendre. In this particular case, stepping out of line means behaving in an unseemly manner.
A gentleman never “blames” it on the dog. (Politeness Man)
Okay, okay…what would the book be without at least one fart joke. Actually, in the book there are quite a few. However, I promise you they are all in the best taste possible.
A gentleman knows that every day is a holiday and every meal is a banquet. (Politeness Man)
If only this were true…but wait! All gentlemen know that their good attitude is the most important asset they possess and with such positivity as this, how can one possibly have a bad day?!?
Until next time, friends….be nice!