
Men’s Shoes for Fashion Conscious Lads: 5 Ways to Make Your Shoes Last Longer

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Having a great pair of men’s shoes for fashion conscious gents amongst us is an absolute must. They can literally make or break an outfit. Alright, so you have a decent pair of men’s shoes. It is likely that you will have spent a decent amount of cash on them. Therefore, you want to ensure that they last as long as possible, right? Well, the tips that I am going to share with you on this page will go a long way towards ensuring that!

Men’s Shoes for Fashion Conscious Lads: Tip Time!

  1. Men’s shoes for fashion savvy shoppers need to last as long as possible; to get this you will want to ensure that they are of the highest quality possible straight away. If you buy cheap shoes, they will not last. If you buy expensive shoes right off of the bat, they will. It, actually, is cheaper to buy expensive shoes in the long run as you will not forever be replacing them!
  2. Get some sole protectors. It is likely that the soles of your shoes will be the first thing to go. After all, they are going to go through almost daily contact with the floor. If you can protect the soles of your shoes, it will greatly increase the lifespan of them.
  3. If you are going to clean your shoes, particularly if they are canvas shoes, you need to make sure that you do not just toss them into the washing machine. This is, basically, going to be tossing them back and forth in a large, metal drum. This is going to destroy them over time. In addition to this, you will want to make sure that you do not put your shoes in the dryer because the temperature is going to be far too high which will lead to a weakening of the material in the shoe. If you must clean your shoes, hand-wash them. You can then stick them out on your washing line to dry.
  4. If you have some newspaper, make sure you scrunch it up and put it into your shoes each and every night. One of the main reasons as to why you would want to do this is the fact that it will help to stop any lingering odours in their tracks. It will also dry them out slightly if they are wet. In addition to this, the scrunched up newspaper will also help to protect the shape of the shoes which will, of course, lead to them looking better for far longer.
  5. When you get your shoes, and from time to time after, you will want to spray them with water repellent. There is no quicker way to destroy a pair of men’s fashion shoes than through a bit of water. It will make them smell repulsive and there will be all sorts of splotches on them which will just be unsightly. Water repellent, which you can pick up from any decent shop or from here, will help to alleviate this somewhat.

Men’s Shoes for Fashion Conscious Chaps: Shoes for you!

Okay, now that you’ve had some good tips on caring for the shoes you buy, you’re probably wondering where you can pick up some good shoes to actually care for. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check this place out. We recommend it for a great selection of shoes that are of good quality and they don’t cost the world. See what you think! For style ideas, feel free to check out our Style Inspiration section.

Do you have any tips on protecting your men’s shoes for fashion and ensuring that they will last as long as possible? We would absolutely love to hear them!

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