
Men’s Designer Shirts: Selecting the Perfect One for You

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What are men’s designer shirts? This is a question often asked by people. They want to know what separates a designer shirt from one of those standard ones which you can pick up in any old supermarket. Well today, we are going to take a little look at the difference.

Men’s designer shirts are, essentially, designed by some of the top designers in the world. They often have pretty big brand names behind them. More often than not, they are not designed by the actual designer behind the brand (e.g. Ralph Lauren does not typically design products), but you can bet your bottom dollar that every shirt that you purchase will stand up to the high demands of men’s designer shirts under that brand i.e. they need to be designed in a certain way. As a result, they tend to look and feel far better than your standard men’s shirt.

Secondly, these shirts often tend to be made from slightly higher quality materials. This means that not only are they going to feel so much better against your skin, they are also going to last a whole lot longer than your standard shirt. Yes, they are a little more expensive than normal shirts, but the increased price is more than worth it.

So, how can you select the perfect men’s designer shirts? Well, hopefully these tips will help you out!

Men’s Designer Shirts: Tips for you!

  1. Firstly, and this is perhaps the most important, it is vital that you make sure that you only work with reputable vendors. Big brands of clothing are highly selective with regards to who they work with. This is because they wish to preserve their brand image. It is highly unlikely that you will find huge discounts on men’s designer shirts that are still in season. If you do, it is likely that the company is selling fake gear, so you are going to want to steer clear of them.
  2. Always try on the men’s designer shirt before you buy it if you can. Just because it is labelled as ‘large’ does not necessarily mean that it is the same ‘large’ in a different brand. If you do not try on clothing before you buy it, there is a pretty decent chance that you will end up being burned with something that is incredibly ill-fitting. In cases when you can’t try them on – when you buy online for instance, check sizing information thoroughly and read reviews.
  3. If you want to look the best that you possibly can, I suggest that you have a flick through a couple of fashion magazines, or check out our Style Inspiration page. This will allow you to keep up to date with the latest trends when it comes to men’s designer shirts. If you wish to save money, you do not have to buy something which is ‘in season’ at the moment, most people around you will not mind!
  4. Select clothing that is right for the occasion. A shirt which is suitable for work may not be suitable for going out and partying. If you do not have a lot of money to spend on your shirt, select clothing which is neutral in colour. You will be able to match it up with far more clothes in your wardrobe. Extravagant colours can come once you’ve built up your base colours.

Do you have a favourite men’s designer shirt designer?

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