Dapperfied BrandWatch
Dapperfied BrandWatch: LeGrand Leseur
In this time’s Dapperfied BrandWatch feature, we’re getting to know LeGrand Leseur; an up and coming men’s clothing designer from Philadelphia and one of the most notable nightlife personalities in the city.
A little about LeGrand
While being one of the youngest designers in the city at 24, he has received international recognition from the likes of Vicky Tiel (women’s designer) and recently showed a collection at Atlantic City Fashion week. He has been nominated for “Best Couture Designer” by AC fashion week and is currently in the top 3 runners which is quite an accomplishment. On top of that LeGrand has won other awards for fashion such as Phl 17’s “Best Men’s clothing” and “Best Tuxedo” awards.
LeGrand Leseur’s design aesthetic is very different from many designers and brands today. He excels in being able to create new and innovative looks by coming up with interesting ways to present new clothing details. LeGrand invented the oval breast pocket and is credited with designing the triangular breast pocket as well. His designs feature angled buttonholes, angled sleeves cuffs and contrasting colours on lapels and pockets. These rhythmical concepts have put him in the forefront of the Philadelphia fashion designer scene.
The Journey
LeGrand Leseur started a t-shirt brand in the middle of his college years and during that time realized he couldn’t market himself the way he needed to since he did not wear t-shirts every day. He wore suits. This sparked an idea in his head to start designing his own suits. What pushed this idea further was the consistency with which people asked where he got his clothes from. LeGrand Leseur started opening up communication channels with various suit makers around the world to see who could help bring his ideas to life. He knew he would need help to perfect certain ideas and designs so he spent months looking for tailors to work with him. After about 3 months, a tailor agreed to try making one of his designs and the rest as they say – is history.
Life as he knows it
Fashion for LeGrand Leseur is an interconnected part of all life. For him fashion is a reflection of emotions that one cannot always express. To him fashion is one of the highest forms of postive art possible. LeGrand Leseur pieces take on a timeless feeling that he feels will push modern men’s wear forward. Although he’s known more for his eccentric styled clothing, he does design pieces for the more reserved gentlemen as well.
LeGrand has a truly unique approach to fashion. He is always looking for new ways to push the envelope and people have taken notice of this. He seems to speak about fashion more so from an artist’s perspective than from a clothier’s point of view and this happens to be something that people connect with deeply.
The future
LeGrand has set his goals high, aiming to take over markets in other places such as Miami, Paris and New York City. He is looking to officially launch his sunglasses brand this summer and start working on a women’s line as well. His vision is to outfit people he finds inspirational such as Lana Del Rey and Kevin Hart. Over the course of the next few years he is looking show at NYFW, create looks for movies and expand his designs recognition by creating pieces that will stand the test of time. Here’s wishing him all the best with that – hard work is bound to pay off!
We’ll wrap this feature up with words from LeGrand himself,
“I think as designers, we owe the people something better.” – LeGrand Leseur
You can find out more about him at his site or follow his journey here.
Until next time, stay dapper chaps! 🙂
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