Classic Men’s Suits: A Thing of the Past?
When learning about suiting or just wearing men’s suits in general you will definitely notice that no matter how much suits change or evolve there is always something that is retained. This “thing” is what allows you to see the similarities between the suits of the past and the suits of the present.
Classic men’s suits are literally the definition of the popular phrase, “old but gold”. This lovely classiness that everyone loves seems to be the oxygen that breathes life into every suit when they are being made. Let’s touch on what makes classic men’s suits, well, classic!
Classic Men’s Suits: Quality Materials
The full effect of a classic men’s suit has a lot to do with the basics. Just like you are what you eat, your suit is essentially based on what it is constructed with and the craftsmanship that goes hand in hand with the selected materials. A combination of quality materials and good craftsmanship form the basis of a classic men’s suit.
Classic Colours
Many think that the colour of your classic men’s suit has no bearing on your overall appearance. This is not the case. Colours are very important and have almost a direct effect on how people perceive your appearance and by extension, you. Classic men’s suits generally are of staple colours like navy blue, black, charcoal grey and medium grey.
Neutral tones like these keep the focus on a person and not so much on the attire while still adding a classic air of sophistication to your aura. Nailing the right colours are a big part of nailing the look. Don’t dismiss this step.
Classic Men’s Suits: Just Right Jacket
The jackets of suits nowadays have gotten shorter and slimmer when you compare it to the fit and length of the more classic jackets available. “What’s the ideal length?”, you ask. This depends on the type of suit you wear but a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that once the jacket’s length covers your rear end, you are on the right track (around mid-crotch if you’re under 5″9′ and longer than that if you’re taller). It does not need to cover it completely but just enough.
Leg Day
In today’s fashion world it is no secret, everyone loves their trousers taken in with a slim fit appearance and with not much of a break. It’s sleek, it’s sexy. The relaxed fit with a break, however, is the ideal one if you are going for a classic men’s suit. Relaxed doesn’t mean baggy, however. It just means it isn’t as tapered as slim trousers.
Classic Men’s Suits: Wrapping it up.
To many, classic men’s suits may be a thing of the past but in all honesty, they’re very much a fixture of the present. They are very simple to put together and work for most occasions and body types. With a good purchase and a bit of tailoring, you’ll be looking like Clark Kent with Superman’s confidence in your classic suit!