Basic Grooming Rules for the Corporate Man
It is sometimes said that “In order to be successful, you have to look the part.” That sentiment is often considered the first rule of business, though very few times is it followed up with an explanation of what exactly the corporate man should look like. That leaves a lot of room for interpretation and unfortunately, many men miss the mark when attempting to create a stylish, yet professional look for themselves. If that sounds like you or someone you know, it may be a good idea to read up on the 15 basic grooming rules for the corporate man, as listed below.
Basic Grooming Rules for the Office.
1.) Shave daily. There’s no excuse for going to work with a face full of stubble. While most men will experience the dreaded 5 o’clock shadow, especially if they work late, there’s absolutely no reason to go into work with the stubble already in place. Very few men can pull that look off and none of them have to work in an office for a living. Instead of channelling your inner Hollywood heartthrob, take a few minutes in the morning to give yourself a clean shave.
For the best results, use plenty of shaving cream and make sure your razor is nice and sharp. A dull razor won’t give a clean shave and can contribute to nasty ingrown hairs.
2.) Trim your nose hair. Nose hair is unsightly, and trimming it makes a world of difference. This basic grooming step can be done using a pair of nose hair clippers in either a manual or electric variety. A quality electric set can be had for under $10, making it a very worthwhile addition to your grooming tools. You will only need to check up on your noise hair once or twice a week. Make sure you don’t skip this part of your grooming routine, as nose hair is definitely something people notice.
3.) Trim your eyebrows. Men’s eyebrows can get bushy and unkempt if left to their own devices. It’s recommended to have them professionally cleaned up – though not shaped – once in a while. This helps to open the eye area to make you look more approachable and more awake. You can also use an eyebrow brush to clean them up before you leave your house for the day. A quality eyebrow brush can be found for under $10.
4.) Trim hair around your ears and neck. When hair begins to regrow around your ears or neck, it makes your entire head look like it is in need of a haircut. Rather than heading back to the barber, use an electric trimmer to clean up your ears and neck. Not only will this prolong your haircuts, it will also keep you looking clean and fresh every day. In general, check your margins on a weekly basis and cut back as needed.
5.) Keep your finger nails clean. Your mother was onto something when she told you to scrub your fingernails. When meeting with people, you probably immediately shake hands. Shaking hands with a potential client while you have dirt under your nails is sure to send the wrong message. If you don’t have time in your budget or schedule to clean under your fingernails on a regular basis, consider booking a monthly manicure and have a professional take care of it fore you. You can also have them buff your nails while you’re there to give them a healthy shine without looking overly done.
6.) Brush your teeth and use a little floss while you’re at it. This should go without saying, but there is an alarming number of people who think that brushing and flossing don’t matter if your teeth aren’t perfectly straight or white. Unfortunately, you will likely have to talk to someone during the course of the day and unbrushed teeth can be extremely unappealing.
7.) Get your clothing tailored. Whether you’re big, small or somewhere in between, getting your clothing tailored to fit your shape is the best thing you can do for your look. Tailored clothing just looks better and makes an inexpensive piece of clothing look high-end. You don’t have to get everything tailored, but at least get jackets, trousers and shirts done so they accent your body.
8.) Practice good posture. Whether you’re sitting or standing, practice good posture at all times. Posture is very important and doing it correctly can make you appear taller which will boost your self confidence. Men with higher levels of self confidence tend to do better at work, earn more money and advance further in their careers. Who knew that just sitting a little straighter could do all that?
9.) Wash your face on a regular basis and do it with a facial soap. If you’re not in college anymore, you probably can’t get away with using a single type of soap on your body and your face. Most types of body soap are harsh – they have to be to clean the gunk off. They aren’t meant for facial skin and can often cause irritation or dryness. Investing in a cleanser meant for facial skin is a much better idea.
10.) Dab on your cologne, don’t marinate in it. When it comes to offices and fragrances, you must learn to walk a fine line. It’s great to smell good, but if you can be smelled from across the office, you may be wearing a smudge too much cologne. Fragrance is very personal, so it’s best to go with a less is more mentality when applying it. Once you find a fragrance that works for you, give yourself a subtle scent, but don’t bathe in it.
11.) Match your belt to your shoes and your watch. Matching your accessories will make a huge difference to your finished look. You should match your belt to your shoes and to the strap of your watch, if your watch has a leather band. For example, if you’re wearing black shoes, don’t pair them with a brown belt or a brown watch. You can mix hues of the same colour family across your accessories, but make sure the difference isn’t too noticeable.
12.) Wear deodorant. When choosing a deodorant, don’t just grab one that smells good as that will only mask the smell. Instead, grab one that is a deodorant and antiperspirant combination. Apply it at night for the best results, that way, it has time to penetrate and block sweat glands under the arm before your shower. Resist applying more after you bathe.
13.) Change your underwear. This is another “duh” moment, but surprisingly, many men don’t change their drawers often enough. You should not only change them in the morning, but after a workout or any time that you sweat excessively. This means that a new pair should be donned after working in the yard or putting together the seating for the company’s annual barbecue party.
14.) Use lip balm in dry weather. Winter air is notorious for drying out your lips, so it’s a good plan to keep a tube of lip balm handy. You don’t need to dip into your wife or girlfriend’s stash of colourful, scented concoctions. Instead, grab an inexpensive tube at the drug store and slather it on before going out. If the air at your office is dry, apply more throughout the day. Moisturised lips look better and your significant other will thank you for the added effort.
15.) Shower regularly. Shower every single day, twice a day if you’ve done a lot of sweating. Showering should go without say, but in warm weather it may be necessary to do it more often. Keeping your body clean prevents bacterial build ups that can cause odours. It also gives you a chance to relax and regroup so you can face the day refreshed and ready to go.

You’re set.
Use these tips to perfect your office look and avoid being a pariah amongst your peers. Basic grooming isn’t difficult, but will make a huge difference with how your peers view you.