Men’s Fitted Suits: A Few Tips for the Modern Gent.
The path that modern day fashion has taken is one which results in most clothing fitting close to the body. For some reason everyone seems to enjoy the slimmer, fitted way of dressing. Suiting is not left out this either, with men’s fitted suits being among the most popular suiting choices. Although body type or structure does determine what looks best on you, for the most part, there’s a fitted suit for any man.
Light is Right.
No, this isn’t about colours. The focus here is fabrics. If you are going for the slimmer, fitted appearance you should stay away from heavy fabrics. Heavy fabrics or material only add bulk and size to your overall look, which is not great for the fitted look you are trying to pull off at all. Lightweight materials are your best friends in assisting you in achieving that slender, sleek look. This is recommended especially for larger men, whether your size comes from a muscular build or a thicker one.
90 degrees in the shade.
The colour conversation is a very important one to be had; especially if rocking a fitted suit is something you wish to recruit into your fashion arsenal. Lighter coloured suits only make your body appear to fuller and larger. To achieve the desired slimming effect, darker colours are the best way to go. They take away a lot of the bulk of your body, making it seem like you are more slender than you actually are. With black and navy-blue suits you can never go wrong, as these colours do the job as well as ensure that you retain that elegant, gentlemanly appearance.
Pattern Priorities.
When you step out to an evening do, you obviously want the attention of everyone in the room. But there is good attention and not so good attention. Our focus here is PATTERNS. Don’t get the wrong idea. All fitted suits with patterns aren’t bad. Some patterns can really work to benefit your body shape (such as pinstripes to help you look taller) and some have this quirky coolness to them. There is however, a line between greatness and failure and you definitely want to stay on the right side – dress for the occasion, pick patterns that are flattering and if you’re ever in doubt, stick to something plain. You’ll always maintain understated elegance that way. 🙂
You look great. Your fitted suit fits great in all the right places. Eyes are on you and you’re loving the attention. There’s something a little off though, but you can’t put your finger on it. Then it hits you. You’re hot and sticky. Sounds like a horror story, doesn’t it? To avoid this horrible and embarrassing outcome, choose fitted suits made from breathable fabrics.
Find more Fitted Suits on Amazon.
Wrap Up.
Fitted suits are certainly famous aren’t they? You see them everywhere these days, worn by many different types of people. You can join the fold as well, standing out by ensuring that you choose the right colours and fabrics to give you the look you desire.