50 Things Every Man Should Know About Style
So, you want to be at your stylistic best. Great!
Thanks to the internet, there are dozens of lists floating around about what’s hot, what’s not and what you should do, wear or say. With all of the articles and information available (that often contradict each other), it can get a little confusing for us guys. Fortunately, when it comes to style, you don’t have to try to navigate the rules on your own. Read on, we’ve summed up 50 things every man should know about style that will help you step out in confidence knowing you’ll always look your best.
Style Do’s:
Sometimes, instead of looking at style as a set of rules, it’s easier to look at it as a list of things you should do or strive to do. By focusing on style do’s instead of rules, you can shape your own preferences and likes around a set of looks that universally work for every man. Without further ado, here are some style do’s to get you started:
- DO know your colouring. Whether you have blond hair with fair skin or black hair with olive-tone skin, you should know what your colouring is. Knowing what your basic colours are will help you choose clothes in hues that compliment your hair colour and complexion. This will help you look more put together overall.
- DO experiment with colours. Most men’s clothing comes in navy blue, dark green, black and grey. There’s a time and place for that palette but too much is BORING! Experiment with colour and enjoy being the centre of attention because of your daring fashion choices.
- DO get your haircut regularly. Grooming is important. Most men can’t pull off the “just woke up” look, so don’t even try. Get your hair cut regularly and you’ll always look well-groomed.
- DO get another opinion. If you’re having a hard time finding a style that looks good on you, ask someone else what they think. There’s no shame in asking for help.
- DO invest in good shoes. Good shoes won’t only look nice, they’ll also help you keep good posture and stand taller, projecting an air of confidence and maturity.
- DO go window shopping. Window shopping will help you keep an eye on what is trending. Even if you don’t wind up buying anything, you’ll know which items you should pull out of your closet to start wearing again.
- DO wear age-appropriate clothing. There’s a point when faded blue jeans and a concert tee no longer make up an outfit that’s acceptable to wear in public. Accept that.
- DO focus on looking good rather than looking different. It’s OK to wear trendy items or classic pieces. Looking good will make you stand out more than any effort at looking different will.
- DO wear a tie when you’re asking for money or a job. Anything else will not project the entire impression you are capable of making. While you’re at it, throw on a jacket too.
- DO invest in a pair of brown shoes. Granted, black shoes are pretty versatile but it’s always good to have options. Brown shoes will look great with grey, blue & tan coloured suits.
- DO pay attention to size. Wear thin ties with thin lapels and thick ties with thicker lapels.

photo credit: Hello Turkey Toe
Style Don’ts:
- DON’T stick with one style your whole life. Remember the printed tees you loved in college? They should not be a regular part of your rotation 10 years post-graduation. As you grow, so should your style.
- DON’T forget the watch. While it’s easy to just check the time on your cell phone, a nice watch is an integral part of a man’s outfit. Look for a quality piece you can wear like jewellery.
- DON’T wear horizontal stripes. Vertical stripes make you look thinner. Can you guess what horizontal stripes do?
- DON’T skip the tailoring. Sure, having your clothes tailored takes time and money, neither of which are in abundance for some men. However, unless you want to look homeless you should make sure your clothes fit properly.
- DON’T wear loud accessories. When the focus should be on you, like at a job interview or a company dinner, it’s best to avoid loud patterns or too bright of accessories.
- DON’T forget your business cards. You never know when a networking opportunity will arise, so it’s best to keep a stash of a few cards in a pocket for when you need them.
- DON’T mistake quantity for quality. It’s better to have a few nice suits than dozen sub par ones.
- DON’T forget about your footwear. Men often overlook their feet. However, think about your clothes and what you’ll be doing that day when choosing shoes. Loafers that slip on are great for airport security and even look good with a suit or a pair of jeans.
- DON’T be afraid of pink. If you’re a pale man, pink can be your pastel bestie. Light or muted colours can make particularly pale guys look washed out or sick. Pink on the other hand brings colour to the skin and an air of vitality.
- DON’T wear your ties too long or too short. Remember, a tie should run button to button. Let it cover your collar button to the top of your pants. Anything longer or shorter should be avoided at all costs.
- DON’T buy square toed shoes. Tapered toes will not only look better, they’ll also last longer.
- DON’T leave the house in flip-flops. There is no reason any grown man should ever leave the house in flip flops.
- DON’T match your blazer to your dress pants. You can wear a blazer with almost anything, except for pants of the same colour. Commit this fashion sin and you’ll look like a blind man who dressed in the dark.
Style Tips & Style Ideas:
- Invest in good laundry products. Whether it’s detergent, an ironing board or some other tool of the trade, keeping your clothing looking great will go a long way towards helping your style.
- Feel free to dress down your suits. Pair your favourite suit with slip-ons and a tee shirt or polo shirt for an instant casual look that doesn’t make you look like a complete bum.
- Lace your dress shoes the right way by using the straight-bar method. Keep the kiddish criss-cross ties for your workout shoes.
- You should never wear wrinkled clothes. If you don’t like to iron, mist your shirt with some distilled water and then pop it in the dryer for 10 to 15 minutes to get the wrinkles out. You can also hang it in the bathroom while you take a hot shower and let the steam work its magic on those pesky wrinkles.
- Dress for a position better than the one you currently have. Dressing for success will help you prosper. It’s hard to have the confidence of a CEO and to be seen in a position of power if you’re known to be seen around the office in hoodies you picked up in college.
- If you can’t beat them, join them. Going bald? No money for hair plugs? Shave it all off. Instead of hiding what you perceive to be a flaw, feature it instead for a more flattering look.
- If you find a look that works for you, rock it. Does the nerdy thing really work for you? Go big or go home. Mix glasses, skinny ties and straight leg jeans. If you’re going to commit to a particular style it’s best to just go all in.
- Pay attention to your pants when choosing a belt. Pants are actually made for different types of belts. Jeans have larger loops and go with bigger belts. Dress pants have smaller loops for more formal belts. Pay attention to the belt loops and pick the right belt for your style.
- Be flexible with sizes. The number on the waist band of your pants isn’t the end all, be all. Different styles and designers size their clothes a little differently, so don’t be ashamed to go up or down from your normal size. Try the clothes on in the store to make sure they fit without being too baggy or too tight.
- Be aware of the dreaded Texas tuxedo. If you’re not about to get very dirty, there’s no reason to wear jeans and a denim dress shirt. You’ll just look silly.
- Dress for the weather. If it’s raining, wear dark colours. If it’s sunny, look for something lighter that will reflect heat. Dress for the weather to stay comfortable while looking good. Don’t forget to take into account the weather inside your office as well as outdoors.
Must-Have Items:
- A variety of ties. You should not only keep different colours, but also different widths of ties. That way, you’ll always have the perfect piece for any outfit or occasion.
- A personalized pen. Even if your clothes don’t scream millionaire, having a fancy pen in your pocket will make you feel like a million bucks.
- A white dress shirt. White shirts are harder to take care of, but men who wear white dress shirts are perceived to be in charge. Take on this persona and soon you’ll find yourself moving up in the business world.
- Good workout clothes. It’s hard to stay motivated if you’re trudging off to the gym in a ratty pair of shorts and an old tee shirt. Get quality workout clothes to give yourself the confidence you need to hit the gym every day.
- A dark cardigan. When the sky turns dark, it’s a good time to bust out the dark cardigan. Dark colours hide rain drops so the foul weather won’t ruin your day.
- A scarf. Scarves aren’t just for women. Pair it with a trench and you have a warm, yet sophisticated outwear set for cold winter days.
- A portable grooming kit. Keep it in the desk at your office for mid-day touch ups or times when you have somewhere to be right after work. You’ll be thankful it’s there.
- A simple white tee. Wear it on its own or under a dress shirt. The simple white tee is one of the most versatile items you’ll have in your closet.
- A lint-roller. If you’re an animal lover (or if your girlfriend or wife is), you’ll be thankful for a lint roller. Keep it in your car and hit your shoulders and lower back before heading into the office. Just because you have a cat doesn’t mean the whole world needs to know it.
- A signature scent. Find a cologne you like and that’s not too powerful, then dab some on each day before you leave the house. Your signature scent will soon become part of your style profile.
- A leather day bag. Whether you’re travelling to London for a week or just heading across town for a business dinner, a leather day bag will look great while carrying all of your essentials. Pack it with a simple outfit like a dark blue blazer, a pair of jeans and a white shirt and you’ll be ready for anything.
- A closet organizer. Not only will your closets look better, your clothes will look better too. Closet organizers keep your clothes from wearing out prematurely by preventing them from rubbing together and becoming damaged. Look for a design that has plenty of hanging space and she racks.
- A shoe horn. There’s nothing worse than creasing or damaging a pair of shoes by forcing your foot in. Use a shoe horn and never worry about broken shoes again.
- Dress accessories. Tack ties, cuff links or other dressy accessories are always good to have. Bring them out for formal occasions to distinguish your dress attire from your work wear.
- An umbrella. You never know when you’ll get caught in a downpour. Don’t let your style get ruined by the weather, instead carry an umbrella. Compact versions can fit in your car’s glove box or be stashed in a drawer in your desk.
Wrapping it up.
So, how did your personal style stack up against the rules? Were there any fashion sins you’re guilty of committing?
Style is so personal and in many ways, it’s what you make of it. The style tips above should really help get you thinking when you’re putting together your personal style profile. Go forth and style away!